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Frag-regé Egg V10
Frag-regé Egg V10
Frag-regé Egg V10

Frag-regé Egg V10

Regular price $18.25

the Pennywise Fragregé Egg v10 is the next in the series, number V10 to be exact! Only 65 made comes with a metallic art card! (Max 3 per person please!)

This design Is about distilling some of the creative elements used in the IT movies down into a omage frag. The red balloon, the clown outfit, and the meteor strike. Great scares and great acting! 

These are some of my favourite horror movies, especially the way they re-did the original into the latest two in the re-boot. Another interesting little tidbit is that primary location for filming the new movies is only 40 min away in Port Hope Ontario Canada! this is super fun for me, since every time I drive through this normally cute and tourist filled town, all I can think about is all the carnage! ;) makes the long summer searches for parking more bareable!