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Frag-regé Egg v7
Frag-regé Egg v7
Frag-regé Egg v7
Frag-regé Egg v7

Frag-regé Egg v7

Fragregé Egg V7 is the next in the series, lucky number V7 to be exact! Only 65 made comes with a metallic art card! (Max 3 per person please!)

Now at first look this may just be a painted frag that’s been fancied up a bit but This unhero is nothing if not practical... “that ugly infinity-design-y-whatever, logo has to go!” Adding a cute little unicorn sticker took care of that!

 In the past my designs in this series needed to have a certain high level of material cost in order to be elevated to the level of full Fragregé Egg. He fulfilled this requirement by switching out the traditional frag pin ring for his late fiancés engagement ring stating that now whenever he tosses one out he ends up wearing the ring and remembering her... Awwww so sentimental.