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Chapter One: from there to here.

Welcome to here is the story and background for how this store/brand came about. 

 My daughter was born on September 10th 2017 @11pm, it was a challenging pregnancy and an even more challenging c-section birth, but those are stories for another blog. What’s important for this blog and this story, is the fact that I decided to take paternity leave to help support the rearing of my wee daughter bear, Magnolia. I took leave from my then current job as a product designer, email answerer, video content creator, photographer and designer of patches both retail and custom and started dad-life 2.0, I have a 6yr old son already ;). This was tough for me as it meant a pay cut, and with less income coming into the family unit a bit of a stretch, however, it also meant valuable focused and available time with the wee sprout.

moving along, it was around 6 months into the leave when the idea of me possibly developing my own brand and possibly not returning to my old job came up, but what could I do? What could I contribute to the world? I had been a professional photographer in town we live in previously, but years of focusing in-house had dried up all of my good leads, so that wasn’t the best possibility. Maybe I could make jewelry? I had taken a workshop of basic jewelry techniques while in art school, it had always stuck in the back of my head as a future possibility. But it was only a few days long and many many years earlier... 

I could maybe start making knives, it’s always been an idea of mine, but my knowledge base is even less in this area so the idea was dismissed pretty early on. What about combining jewelry techniques and patches? I had a decent amount of knowledge, when you combined those two ideas, and figured I could fill in the blanks as I went along. It was decided, I would work part time for the rest of my leave developing this brand and seeing if it could be viable before jumping all the way in once my reduced pay paternity leave came to an end. 

Step one, invest in a series of specific tools and re-introduce myself back to basic jewelry making techniques. A week or so later boxes began to arrive and I began to setup my micro studio in the basement! It was really happening! I picked it up fairly easily, I guess my brain had retained most of what I was taught many years ago after all. Out of the first few tests and attempts and messing about came the “aspis of Leonids” patch, probably my biggest release to date in terms of sell out speed and community support! Thank you all of you so much for this, with out that initial support by the collective patch community I would have never charged ahead as I did. There are many more details yet to be hashed out here, so if you feel like the holes in this plot outweigh the substance don’t worry, I will fill those in as we go further down this rabbit hole, but that’s all for now. ;)



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