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When to kill off a series!

So recently I created a new series of patches and though there were many people who thought it was awesome and encouraged me to continue with it the masses voted with their wallets. If it doesn’t sell it’s time to move on!  in hindsight this series may not have been good enough for my brand... the idea wasn’t as original as it had seemed under the circumstances in which I had conceived of it. Unfortunately I couldn’t possibly see all that until two designs in!  Well it wasn’t a complete loss I will take the rest of the designs and morph them into a new series, one that is more suited to my brand and possibly more inclusive to a...

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Eeeeekkk slow down?

Ok, this will be quick. It has come to my attention that I am releasing the Fragregé egg series too frequently! Please let me know if you agree or disagree with this statement.  I have been getting a few messages that have alluded to this and one who came out an honestly said, “slow your roll, please” (not his words ☺️) please please please reach out if there is anything you’d like me to know. I’m not perfect, I’m not the master of all masters of the universe, I’m just a guy like the rest trying to make cool patches and earn enough money to keep it all together!  so here is the plan, and you can help if you want...

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Growing my business

This business is my sole source of income. Crazy, yes... but is it? I have typically done my best thinking, innovating and creating under stressssss... and this is stress! Lol! So my 1st move was creating something a little different to make and offer to the patch community, a community that I had been part of in the background for several years prior. Not a sure thing by any means, but I had faith in the product (hand made metal ranger eyes) and I wanted to give it a shot!  next I identified that the potential for embroidered patches was high, desirable and had a decent margin to boot! Great, what could I offer that was uniquely mine... what could...

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Email newsletter Give-a-ways, should I keep doing them?

  Hey everyone, I’m trying to figure out the best way to give back to you, my favourite customers ever! Any thoughts would be very appreciated.  Ive been doing email give-a-ways so far, and that has kinda worked. It’s hard to track down winners, often I never find the person I draw in the GAW... I’d really like to give back to all of the people who make this all possible for me. However, I want the people who would appreciate the bonuses to get them.... and here in lies the problem.  Email equates to approximately 30% open rate, which means that most of you still don’t even open the messages, I get it, I don’t open every email I...

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Dealing with design failure/managing expectations

This might be the toughest part of creating patch art and selling it as a business and not just a hobby, for me at least.  So what the heck do you do when you put all of your creative energy into a design that you were sure would kill it and sell out in an instant and bang, zooop, flump, splat... It doesn’t quite take off like you thought it would...  Well, first and foremost I worry, try to imagine where the money from this mishap will come from instead, because at this stage in my business I need each drop to do well, not sell out exactly but sell most... Then I think about getting another job and giving...

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